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Intelligent yarn guide Precision winding machine with auto doffing

Category: Machinery

Subcategory: Sinoca- Tmart Coorghi Textile Machinery Ltd.

Brand: Sinoca

Principal: Salce

Short Description: D1 & D1 plus Intelligent yarn guide Precision winding machine with auto doffing

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Adhering to the manufacturing philosophy of Italian Corghi for over 70 years, Tmart Corghi Textile Machinery

(Shanghai) Ltd. began producing various types of winding machines in Shanghai in 2005. In recent years, we

have actively invested in research and development, and have successively launched high-end winding machines

such as the most advanced intelligent precision winding machine, precision hank to cone winding machine, and

precision assembling winding machine, equipped with automatic tube changing, automatic doffing, and other

configurations to meet the needs of various markets.

At present, our products not only include various intelligent precision and drum winding machines, but also

automatic palletizing after soft winding, automatic loading and unloading of dyeing carrier, automatic loading

and unloading of centrifugal carrier and machine, automatic placing on RF dryer, package weighing, labeling and

packaging machine, automatic bagging, boxing and labeling machines, and intelligent palletizing for the spinning

and package dyeing processes.

The above machines are suitable for processing various types of yarns, including cotton, wool, silk, linen natural

fiber yarns, various blended yarns, fancy yarns, synthetic fiber yarns, and various sewing threads.

For many years, our company's products have been distributed in dozens of countries around the world. We

adhere to the business philosophy of European design and quality, Chinese cost and price, and fast service

response, providing first-class winding and automation for global users, constantly innovating technology, and

meeting the strong demand for intelligence and automation in the textile industry today


D1 Intelliwinding is the latest generation of precision winding machine from

TMART Corghi textile.Through servomotor to drive the yarn guide, to

guarantee the perfect laying of yarn on winding tube. Winding motor drive

right adapter of arm, synchronized by single head PC board. According to

programing, the crossing angel is con- trolled in ±1° in order to avoid any

patterning and to ensure the same density inside and outside of package,

and also the stability of the package. The yarn tension sensor is always

checking on line in order to provide the value of yarn tension at the moment,

single head PC board is checking with the setting tension value and positive

yarn feeder will be following the necessity of adjustment, the final feeding

tension of yarn can be always the same. At the same time, the latest models

can be equipped with electronic back pressure control mechanisms to

achieve perfect molding with linear back pressure.Positive waxing and oiling

device can be supplier, con- trolled by single head PC board as

well.Communication is through can bus controlling. The travels of yarn guide

can be set up according to the technical request, during winding processing,

and can be realized automatically during the winding processing. The

machine can produce cylindrical, conical and round edge on cylindrical

package in order to avoid dyeing problem.

The machine is suitable to all kinds of spun yarn and most filament for soft

winding and re-winding, different angle of conical package and cylindrical

package.To provide three different models for 6,8 and 10 inch travels.

The latest development D1 Intelliwinding machine combined drum and

precision technology, keep the advantage of precision winding technology,

avoid completely patterning problem. At the same time, control the similar

crossing angle layers by layers in order to guarantee the same density of

package inside and outside, and keep stable instruction of package. So the

D1 intelliwinding is the most advantage winding technology in the precent

market, give to the clients the best possibility to wind all kinds of yarn.

The machine equipped with positive yarn feeder, yarn tension sensor,

motorized yarn tensioner with closed loop control, hall sensor for high

precision meter counter, and yarn guide which driven by servomotor.

According to the demand, the single spindle automatic doffing, and conveyor

belt for package transfer can be supplied on machine model D1 plus.

Single side, 6 spindle per side per section, max 96 spindles per machine

Independent Cradle support with bearing

Auto doffing device, including: tube storage,

Ceramic Scissors and pneumatic cylinder ,etc.

Straight yarn passes through to ensure

perfect yarn tension and minimal variation.

Equipped with BTSR yarn tension sensor,

over feeder and electronic yarn tensioner