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Package Automatic Loading System

Category: Machinery

Subcategory: Sinoca- Tmart Coorghi Textile Machinery Ltd.

Brand: Sinoca

Principal: Salce

Short Description: For package dyeing factories, edge pressing, package loading are all manual operations, which are time-consuming and labor-intensive, making it difficult to recruit workers today. Our system is specifically designed for small and middle size dye houses to reduce labor costs.

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Working cycle

  1. 1 Manually placed on the conveyor line, automatically enters the edge pressing machine to press

2 Automatic Swing robotic arm place the package onto the spindle rod

3 The spindle is transferred into the column loading ares, and the five axis robotic arm grabsthe package column and places it into the dyeing carrier


Automatic Edge Pressing ,Loading & unloading, Centrifugal dehydration System

This system includes all automated devices for edge pressing, column forming,

loading package column on dyeing carrier, unloading package column from dyeing

carrier to centrifugal centrifuge carrier, and automatic entry and exit of centrifugal

dehydration machine. Only manual operations are stacking package onto the

conveyor belt and unloading package after dewatering.

Manually loading