We are an efficient solution provider to the entire Textile supply chain.

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Category: Machinery

Subcategory: Sedo Treepoint

Brand: Sedo Treepoint

Principal: Salce

Short Description: SedoMaster is a Manufacturing Execution System (MES) designed to manage the dyehouse or entire textile finishing plant. It provides everyone – from the operator to the CEO – with an integrated solution, allowing them to manage recipes, processes and reports. The system supports all required interfaces to other systems such as chemical dispensing, recipe management and ERP. This results in an increased efficiency of the processes as well as in the optimization of all machinery and this in cost minimization.

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SedoMaster connects all systems of the dyehouse or textile finishing plant in one system. For production planning from batch start to batch end and all related processes.

All the advanced functionalities and capabilities to create a connected production environment in a dyehouse or textile finishing plant are provided. SedoMaster is a central tool for the entire workshop to get real-time insights for better production and business performance. It helps to better understand operations and to get more out of workforce, equipment and materials.

SedoMaster Basic

• Process editor system
• Graphical planboard
• Controller intervention
(Remote access to machine controllers)


SedoMaster Advanced

(Including 1 workstation)

• Process editor system
• Graphical planboard
• Controller intervention
(Remote access to machine controllers)
• Monitoring/Reporting incl. Batch
Reporting + Dashboard
• Interface to ColorMaster system


SedoMaster Professional

(Including 1 workstation)

• Process editor system
• Graphical planboard
• Controller intervention
(Remote access to machine controllers)
• Monitoring/Reporting incl. Batch
Reporting + Dashboard
• Interface to ColorMaster system
• Planning with order support
• Interface to ERP system
• Monitoring/Reporting (without