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Sueding Machine

Category: Machinery

Subcategory: Lafer Spa

Brand: Lafer

Principal: Lafer

Short Description: Sueding machines that control fabrics with ultimate precision to produce the most beautiful effects

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Ultrasoft Brush Sueding Machine: The Original Concept Made Better

The Ultrasoft brush sueding machine is designed to deliver superior fabric effects with ultimate precision.

Known for its high standards and innovative design, this machine is ideal for creating the most beautiful peach effects on fabrics, making it a popular choice for fabric finishers worldwide.

With different machine configurations and brush designs, the Ultrasoft machine can process light to heavy fabrics and provide a range of peach effects, giving fabric finishers the flexibility they need.

Microsand with Diamond Emery: Cleaner, Fresher Peach Effects for Woven Fabrics

The Microsand with Diamond Emery is a sueding solution specifically designed for woven fabrics, producing a cleaner, fresher effect compared to traditional brushes.

This innovative system uses 24 rubberized rollers to prevent heat build-up during the sueding process.

Key Features of the Ultrasoft Sueding Machine:

Dual Action System with 6 brushes and a rotating drum for optimal fabric finishing.

Delta Plates between brushes for improved fabric-to-brush contact, creating a natural spreading effect for a smoother finish.

Configurable for Knit or Woven Fabrics, providing flexibility for various applications.

Advanced Automatic Tension Control for knit fabrics, ensuring precise fabric control, reducing selvedge curling, and minimizing fabric wastage.

Woven Fabric Version can be upgraded with a Diamond Sueding Conversion Kit (24 diamond rollers) for a fresh, clean peach effect.

Special Version for High-Stretch Fabrics, offering enhanced fabric tension control and higher profitability.

Precise Fabric Control with the most advanced automatic tension system available on the market.